The BSH currently has over 80 Guidelines that we develop and maintain.

If you are a member of one of the BSH Task Forces, this is where you will find all the information you need to propose, develop, structure and write your new Guideline.

Please ensure you have read the BSH Guidelines Development Process (PDF). This outlines guidance on the BSH Guidelines development and process, including writing groups job descriptions.  The BSH Guidelines Information Leaflet is a brief synopsis of this document.

We have developed an online Induction Tutorial which goes through the roles and responsibilities as a Task Force member.  You will need to be signed into the BSH site using your member login to access this page.   

The Proposal Form should be completed by the Writing Group Chair and the Task Force representative. The Proposal should have been discussed and agreed by the Task Force before submission to the Guidelines Executive Committee for final review/approval.  

You can download the Proposal Form (Word) and return it to the BSH Guidelines Administration Team.

Each BSH guideline follows a standard template which your writing group should use.

As a Guidelines Executive Committee (GEC), Task Force or Writing Group Member, you will need to complete a Declaration of Interest (DoI) Form.

Task Force and Writing Group members: Declaration of Interest Form

You can register for the website or modify your communications preferences to receive up-to-date news and information on BSH Guidelines.

If you have any further queries on guidelines please contact the BSH Guidelines Administration Team.


If you incur expenses as part of the Guideline writing process, please read our expenses policy (.doc) before completing the expenses claim form (.doc).  


Join a Writing Group

The Guidelines team welcomes BSH members interested in joining a writing group. If you work in a UK hospital and have experience writing guidelines or would like to gain experience, please complete this application form and send it to the BSH Guidelines email address ([email protected]).