The Education Committee develops and delivers events and resources for the BSH.
Which include:
- seminars and training days for medical students, trainees and consultants, such as:
- Basic Haematology Day
- Core Medical Training Day - the development of educational resources for the BSH website
- the annual essay prize for undergraduate medical students
Our Education Committee members are:
- Dr Henry Wood (Chair)
- Dr Anita Arasaretnam
- Dr Fiona Cullen (Healthcare Scientist)
- Miss Portia Eardley (Physician Associate)
- Dr Angharad Everden (Trainee Representative)
- Dr Rachel Fisken
- Mr Ismail Gossiel (Student Representative)
- Mrs Emma Holt (Trainee Representative)
- Dr Francesca Leonforte (Trainee Representative)
- Dr James Leveson (Trainee Representative)
- Dr Fiona Miall (Trustee Link)
- Miss Iris-Mae Morse (Student Representative)
- Dr Suzy Morton
- Dr Annette Nicolle
- Dr Priya Sriskandarajah
- Dr Andrew Wilson (Vice-chair)