Date: Wednesday 10 May 2023
Time: 14:00 - 16:30
Venue: Zoom online
This is the third meeting of the Haematology Clinical Science FRCPath exam preparation study day. Higher specialist scientist training (HSST) for haematology laboratory healthcare scientists is starting to become embedded in practice. However, trainees are scattered about in different UK/international hospitals and may feel isolated with little guidance available to help them. Higher specialist trainee scientists follow the Royal College of Pathology (RCPath) curriculum in Haematology and undertake specialist high-stake examinations leading to qualifications suitable for consultant-level Healthcare Scientist posts.
The day will have two purposes: to encourage networking and collaborative working between higher specialist scientists training towards FRCPath examinations and to provide better guidance of the academic standards required for the trainee and for their workplace educational supervisor.
The day will be suitable for HSSTs in the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) programme and Healthcare Scientists (Biomedical and Clinical Scientists) working independently towards RCPath. The meeting me also be of interest to candidates thinking about entering HSST.
Topics to be covered include:
· RCPath Haematology Clinical Science curriculum
· Overview of the exam structure
· Example question(s)
· Exam technique
· Q & A session
Event Availability
- Registration
- £0.00 (BSH members)
- £10.00 (non members)
- May 10th 2023
To register for this event, please log in or register for the website.
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