Wednesday, 16 March 2022

BSH is pleased to announce the results of our recent Board of Trustees elections for the vacancy of Vice President and the five vacancies of Ordinary Trustee. The Board of Trustees oversee the running of all aspects of the Society’s work.

The successful candidate for Vice President is:

Dr Susannah (Sue) Pavord

The successful candidates for the five Ordinary Trustees posts are:

Dr Subarna Chakravorty

Dr Kate Cwynarski

Dr Mark Ethell

Dr Fiona Miall

Professor John Snowden

Read the successful candidates’ statementsSee the full result of the election

All candidates will take up their posts at the close of the Trustee Board Annual Succession Meeting which will be held on 5 April 2022.

Thank you to all the candidates who put themselves forward for election, and to all who voted