Tuesday, 29 November 2022

We are calling for nominations for four positions on the Trustee Board, Secretary and three Ordinary Trustees.

We welcome Trustees from all walks of life, you don't need to have any special experience or hold a senior role but you do need commitment and a passion for haematology. Diversity is important at Board level to enable us to represent the breath of our membership and to make sure we have a broad mix of skills, knowledge and experience. We are particularly keen to receive applications from trainees, nurses, scientists and AHPs. All new Trustees receive a thorough induction and support from both other Trustees and BSH staff to help them settle into the role. 

The vacancies are for:

  • Secretary
  • 3 Ordinary Trustees

The Board of Trustees meets 4-5 times per annum including an overnight retreat, normally in February, April (at the ASM), June, September (Board Retreat) and November.

In order to stand for election as a Board member, you must be a Full or Full (Reduced) Member at the nomination deadline and have been a Member (including Associate Membership) of the Society for at least two years prior to the date of nomination. 

Why become a Trustee for the British Society for Haematology?

Without our Trustees and Committee Members we could not provide the educational resources and guidelines that are used by so many NHS staff working in haematology, nor could we raise the profile of the speciality or campaign on advocacy issues. We hope you will consider helping to set BSH strategy and continue this good work by putting yourself forward for nomination as a Trustee. 

As well as helping the haematology community, Trustees can also gain skills and opportunities that may help them in their workplace such as:  

  • Improved communication skills
  • Increased confidence
  • Team working and networking opportunities
  • Creativity
  • Leadership skills

Volunteering with BSH video (2018) 

Quote from Jim Seale, Current BSH Secretary

"[Y]ou’ll actually find yourself re-energised. Our speciality has some very challenging times ahead, and a senior role in an organisation that is increasingly engaged in finding solutions to these is an exciting opportunity". Dr Jim Seale, BSH Secretary 2020-2023

How to apply

Please see the election platform for more information on the available roles and their responsibilities. Nominations are also made online through the platform.

The deadline for submitting your nomination is 5pm (UTC) on Tuesday 24 January 2023.

If you experience any difficulties, please contact [email protected] or calling 020 8889 9203.