Monday, 11 March 2024

European experts have published wide-ranging guidelines on the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in adults.

The project was led by Dr Nicola Gökbuget, of Frankfurt University Hospital, Germany, and the findings published over two issues of Blood earlier this year by the European LeukemiaNet.

The first publication involved diagnostics, prognostic factors and response assessments, and also defined standards for clinical trials.

The second publication, issued last month, aimed to cover the full management of disease, including induction and consolidation therapy, stem cell transplants, relapse therapy, the treatment of special subgroups, late effects of therapy, and supportive treatment.

Dr Gökbuget said: “Knowledge about the disease biology and treatment options for ALL in adults is increasing exponentially. Given the unique constellations in the European healthcare systems, it was important for us to summarize the current state of knowledge, especially from a European perspective.”


Part 1: Gökbuget N, Boissel N, Chiaretti S, Dombret H, Doubek M, Fielding AK, Foà R, Giebel S, Hoelzer D, Hunault M, Marks DI, Martinelli G, Ottmann OG, Rijneveld AW, Rousselot P, Ribera JM, Bassan R. (2024) “Diagnosis, Prognostic Factors and Assessment of ALL in Adults: 2023 ELN Recommendations from a European Expert Panel.” Blood, doi:10.1182/blood.2023020794

Part 2: Gökbuget N, Boissel N, Chiaretti S, Dombret H, Doubek M, Fielding AK, Foà R, Giebel S, Hoelzer D, Hunault M, Marks DI, Martinelli G, Ottmann OG, Rijneveld AW, Rousselot P, Ribera JM, Bassan R. (2024) “Management of ALL in Adults: 2023 ELN Recommendations from a European Expert Panel.” Blood, doi: 10.1182/blood.2023023568

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