Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Dear colleagues,

BSH and COVID-19

These are unprecedented times that are bringing unexpected challenges to us as individuals and to us in society. Each of you will now be trying to help prepare the NHS for the growing impact of COVID-19 as well as preparing to work outside your own comfort zones.

You can count on BSH to do its level best to support you and the rest of the community through these uncertainties. Please check our website for updated clinical resources and evolving guidance as our Committees and Specialist Interest Groups work hard to ensure that consistent advice based on sound medical consensus is provided to our members and other haematology professionals.

BSH will also be working alongside the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists to engage with the devolved governments to influence policy and best practice on COVID-19 management strategies.

Whilst our small team of staff are now all working remotely, they remain 100% committed to maintaining a consistent and reliable service to our members. They will continue to be supported and advised by our clinical and scientific volunteers who will also do what they can alongside their busy day jobs to bring you up to date guidance and information.  

With our sincere best wishes to you all,

Prof Cheng-Hock Toh    

BSH President


Prof Adele Fielding

BSH President Elect